Markets are dynamic.  Stocks, bonds, commodities and other assets can rotate in or out of favor for long periods of time, and market turmoil can shake investor confidence and create the potential to execute the wrong investment strategy at the wrong time.  The bear market of 2000-2002, along with the market’s collapse in 2008, are recent periods that rattled even the most steadfast asset allocation plans, begging the question: "Is there a better way to monitor and manage risk?"

Approximately 80% of investors carry more risk in their portfolios than they realize.

RCM believes in clearly understanding client goals and risk tolerance. To accomplish this, we utilize software from Riskalyze to objectively calculate true risk tolerance and construct appropriate investment portfolios.

How much risk are you comfortable with?

Take the Riskalyze survey and find out how your current portfolio compares. Find out more about the philosophy behind Riskalyze at