
Simple Upgrades to a Better Life

How happy are you? Very? Mostly? A bit?

Only about 1 in 7 folks say they’re very happy these days. Most of us would like to be happier. In fact, many folks are unhappier than ever, and our wellbeing is being impacted as a result.

That’s left many of us chasing happiness. And the more we chase it, the more it eludes us.

But what if we didn’t have to chase it at all? What if we already have what we need to be happier and live a better life?

With a few simple (but profound) life upgrades, we can start to get more satisfaction out of life. That’s the focus of this month’s Visual Insights Newsletter.

What we do and how we think can have a big impact on how we experience the world. It can also affect our health and wellbeing. When we upgrade our habits and attitudes, we can open ourselves up to more happiness and a better life.

Click to read more about finding happiness through small life changes.

What Will the Future Look Like?

Imagine printing out your next meal or wearing contact lenses that know your thoughts and feelings. What if your house could learn about you … and then anticipate your needs?

Mind-blowing inventions like these could be just around the corner. And they’re not even the wildest things that we may see by 2050.

Advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality, and nanotechnology are putting the unbelievable on the horizon. This could change life as we know it in the not-so-distant future.

In fact, everything from our mundane routines to our fanciest gadgets may soon be obsolete. If that happens, we could have new and totally different ways of experiencing life. We could also have far better ways of improving it.

So, what’s the stuff of science fiction and what could really happen? There’s no way to know for sure, but we do have some clues about what may lie ahead.

Check them out in this month’s Visual Insights Newsletter and see how they could change our lives by 2050.

Post-Pandemic Travel Planning: How to Make Safe Choices & Still Have Fun!

Where do you want to go on your next trip?

Many of us have been actively dreaming about traveling since the beginning of 2021. And with more of us feeling safer to travel than we have in months, more of us are doing something about it — we’re booking flights, making reservations, and firming up plans to make our travel dreams a reality.

But that hasn’t muted our anxieties about traveling during the pandemic. We’re still worried about what we don’t know and what could go wrong. How can we put those worries aside and still enjoy a safe, satisfying getaway?

With some thoughtful planning before we take off.

That’s the focus of this month’s Visual Insights Newsletter. Enjoy!