2020 has already had more twists and turns than an HBO series and in last week's episode, the president contracted COVID. Yikes.
Will the election tank the market?
The 2020 election is around the corner, adding another layer of uncertainty to an already volatile market. This could be one of the most divisive races we’ve seen. We can’t predict its outcome or what it could mean for the economy. So how can we keep a level head and make informed decisions amid so much chaos?
Here are three things you need to know to help protect your investments in the face of the unknown.
Time to Refinance?
If you purchased your house years ago, you might be wondering: is now a good time to refinance?
You’d think the answer would be simple: getting a lower interest rate on a loan is better, right? The right choice really depends on your situation. And with the way fees and mortgage interest work, a refinance is often a bad deal for a homeowner.
This short video walks you through key questions you need to ask before jumping into a refinance.
Dealing With Uncertainty
We’re dealing with more uncertainty than most of us have ever faced before, and as the months drag on, the stress of not knowing what comes next is taking a toll. How do we make smart decisions when we’re stressed out and everything is uncertain?
Watch this short video about what we can learn from how Navy SEALs deal with stress and uncertainty.