Changing tax laws? 3 simple actions you can take now.

Benjamin Franklin once (supposedly) wrote, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” And while the fact that we have to pay taxes is certain, the taxes themselves are anything but certain. Tax laws change all the time. One estimate suggests the U.S. tax code has changed more than 4,600 times since 2001 alone. (1)

This quick video discusses what you can do now to prepare for the changes ahead … even when you’re not sure exactly what to expect.



$50 burgers: Should we worry about inflation?

How much inflation can the country afford before we’re in trouble? Let’s discuss.

First, let’s get on the same page about some basics. If you’ve noticed the price of a thing increasing over time (say, your favorite candy bar or the cost of college tuition), that’s inflation in action. Economists use the broad increase (or decrease) in prices of goods and services across the country as a measure of economic health. When inflation is stable and predictable, it’s a sign of a basically healthy, growing economy.

Cryptocurrency: Fool's Gold or the Real Deal?

How much research do you do before you buy something new? Nearly 9 in 10 folks will take some time to learn about products they want to buy before making a purchase. Yet, more than 1 in 3 have bought cryptocurrency without knowing anything about it. Are you one of them?

The facts about cryptocurrency and how it works are the focus of this month’s Visual Insights Newsletter.

Click here to see it!