Capitol Hill is producing more drama than Hollywood.
We've got bold statements, ultimatums, cliff-hangers, and confusing sequels. We've even got folks paddling up to Senators' party boats to discuss tax reform.
What do you think inflation will do over the next year? What about the next 10 years? When you see the word “inflation,” do you fall asleep? Panic? Click to the next thing?
It’s with us all the time, but most of us don’t spend a lot of time thinking about it (beyond noticing higher prices). So here’s a way to put it into context: how much will prices increase over the next decade?
Food, housing, gas, college, and health care — they’re all going to cost you more by 2030 because of inflation. Find out why and why some costs will likely rise much faster than others in this month’s Visual Insights Newsletter.
One big thing you may have heard about in the headlines is the Federal Reserve's hint that it might start "tapering" soon. (1) Could the Fed's actions cause a correction or economic slowdown?
Let's discuss.
First of all, what does ”tapering” mean? In econ-speak, tapering means winding down the pace of the assets Fed has been buying since last summer.
Why is it a big deal?