Money Lessons

What's the hardest lesson you've ever had to learn about money? What’s the most powerful one?

For many folks (myself included), these lessons come from hard-earned experience. (1) They aren’t taught in a classroom. Instead, many folks go to the school of hard knocks. It’s the learn-as-you-go way to understanding personal finance. (1)

And those lessons we pick up can shape how we think about and handle money. (2)

They can also stick with us for life.

So, what are the money lessons that are never too early to know?

Are there any that you still have to learn? Or get better at?

Let’s find out in this month’s Visual Insights Newsletter. These essential finance lessons aren’t typically taught in school, but they’re still incredibly valuable to know as early as possible.

And they can take some people a lifetime to learn.

Hope this helps you out there!

A Wild Ride

Markets cratered this week, heading into correction territory, and then bounced right back.1 And then continued bucking and kicking the next day. Weird, right?

Not really. These things happen pretty regularly when investors get jittery. Let’s talk about what’s going on. (Scroll to the end if you just want my soothing takeaways.)

What led to the giant selloff?

A few things: Fears around the Federal Reserve raising interest rates and what rapidly removing support could do to markets and the economy. (2) Inflation worries (it's at a 40-year high). (3) Tech earnings. (4) A potential hot war in Ukraine. (5)

Bottom line: markets are being driven by fear, anxiety, and uncertainty.

Truths About Portfolio Losses

Whenever markets turn negative, folks often ask: should I get out of the market? Should I sell? 

In this quick video, I drop some truths about what you can do when your portfolio is dropping. Truths that you may not see in the headlines. Cheers!