Financial & Behavioral

The Willpower Gap

How much willpower do you have in the morning? How much do you have at night?

If you’re like many folks, you tend to have weaker willpower at night than in the morning. Why?

Because most of us are exercising willpower continuously throughout the day. When we use our willpower, we’re draining it. ¹

That could leave us vulnerable to the willpower gap before we know it.

Practicing Gratitude

“Forget yesterday. It has already forgotten you. Don't sweat tomorrow. You haven't even met. Instead, open your eyes and your heart to a truly precious gift — today.”

— Steve Maraboli

How often do you live in the moment? Probably not as often as you’d like to — and maybe not as often you think you do.

For many of us, living in the moment is tough. It forces us to stop planning ahead and stop reflecting on the past. And it asks us to let go and give into some mindlessness.