
Power In Uncertainty

You’ll often hear folks like me say that investors or markets “hate uncertainty.”

And that causes market drops and volatility.

Why do we hate uncertainty so much?

And how can we look past initial reactions and embrace the power of uncertainty?

I made a short video discussing 3 secrets to embracing the power hiding inside uncertainty.

You can watch it here.

Truths About Portfolio Losses

Whenever markets turn negative, folks often ask: should I get out of the market? Should I sell? 

In this quick video, I drop some truths about what you can do when your portfolio is dropping. Truths that you may not see in the headlines. Cheers!

An Antidote for Unhappiness?

We all have a picture in our heads of the way the world is supposed to be.

In our minds, other drivers are predictable.

Our income is higher. Our taxes are lower.

And the world around us behaves in a way that makes sense to us.

So, what do we do when things don’t work out as expected?

A simple exercise could hold an answer.

I made a short video talking about how you can use this antidote to frustration and unhappiness in your own life.