A Tale of Two Deals

It appears we have a deal on infrastructure.


After weeks of grandstanding, posturing, and wrangling, it looks like a bipartisan infrastructure deal that both parties can live with is in the works. Good news: no tax hikes. But you'll want to read on because we're not out of the woods yet.

Before we dive in, I want to wish you a very happy Fourth of July. Wherever you are, and whoever you're able to spend it with, I sincerely hope it's fun, relaxing, and meaningful.

Now, onto the politics…

Getting It Wrong

What happens when the predictions are wrong? Is it time to panic? Is it time to ditch our strategy?

It's a fascinating question because it cuts right down to the question of what it means to live in an uncertain world.

Humans are wired to dislike uncertainty. (1)

And we’re used to a fair amount of (often unwarranted) certainty in the models and paradigms we use to make sense of the world around us. We’re so attracted to certainty that when economic forecasts and reports come back with “surprises” (also known as being wrong), we tend to freak out.

Post-Pandemic Travel Planning: How to Make Safe Choices & Still Have Fun!

Where do you want to go on your next trip?

Many of us have been actively dreaming about traveling since the beginning of 2021. And with more of us feeling safer to travel than we have in months, more of us are doing something about it — we’re booking flights, making reservations, and firming up plans to make our travel dreams a reality.

But that hasn’t muted our anxieties about traveling during the pandemic. We’re still worried about what we don’t know and what could go wrong. How can we put those worries aside and still enjoy a safe, satisfying getaway?

With some thoughtful planning before we take off.

That’s the focus of this month’s Visual Insights Newsletter. Enjoy!